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    Vance AFB, OK Image 2

    Vance AFB, OK - Schools

    Eisenhower Elementary is the only school located on Vance AFB; it is run by the nearby Enid Independent School District. Students attending Enid public schools can take the bus if they live over 2 miles away. Other districts in the area include Cimarron Public Schools, Pioneer-Pleasant Vale ISD, and Waukomis Schools.

    For more information, including immunization requirements, before and after school programs, and to determine which school your child will attend, call the Vance AFB School Liaison Officer at 580-213-6285. Or, call the Enid Independent School District at 580-366-7000.

    School Name School District Phone Number
    Waukomis Public Schools Waukomis School District (580) 758-3247
    Cimarron Schools Cimarron Public Schools (580) 796-2204
    Pioneer-Pleasant Vale Schools Pioneer-Pleasant Vale Independent School District (580) 758-3282
    Enid Public Schools Enid Independent School District (580) 366-7000